Sunday, February 21, 2010

I spy....

There is something about seeing that first little flower bud pushing it's way through the ground that can give a person hope. It is the sign of the end of the cold winter days, with short hours of sunlight and a reminder that spring and longer days filled with fresh air are just around the corner. Just when I've reached my limit of frozen toes, icy roads, taking 30 minutes to dress kids to go outside for 10 minutes just so they don't destroy the house the Lord is kind enough to give us a jacket -only warm day so that we can see the first evidences of life returning to His creation. I was so grateful to have one of these days this weekend. With the hubby out of town for most of the week and not returning till tonight it was a much needed and welcomed day. A light jacket, some chalk, a ball and a bike= F-U-N! (Who said stay -at- home moms don't use math!) I am anxiously waiting for this spring and summer more now than the last few years because the kids are old enough really enjoy the outdoors. With having infants the last 3 summer it has been hard to do all those pre-baby fun outside activities, playing in the water, planting flowers, playing ball, etc. As any parent knows if the kids aren't having fun, no one is; so it had been more convenant to stay away from the bugs and heat for the most part. This year all the girls are ready to get out and play too! :) Our oldest has conquered the bike and this year will tackel roller skates and a skooter, our sencond is just learning to ride a tricycle by herself and the twins just gotta RUN. :) They love to ride in the wagon and push the little kid cars around too but mostly they just want a wide open space. We are looking forward to learning more about this world God has created and seeing more of His beauty through its beauty. I spy some green poking its bud through the snow and mud.... now where are the garden shovels and ban-aids. :) Happy almost spring!

1 comment:

  1. Love that first sign of spring! I'm ready for it too! This snow can stay in the north! I'm not a fan of the cold!
