Saturday, March 13, 2010

is she your life?

Our oldest two are at a stage right now were they want to know how everyone is related and what the special names are for those people. We have Nannie and Papa, great grandparents; then there's Mimi and Popi, one set of grandparents; Grandpa Joe and Grandma Kim, also grandparents, and then there is an aunt who is my sister, and uncles that may be a brother, and aunts that are aunts to them, but not blood related (but equally loved). They have lots of sisters and a mommy and daddy but who is Shayne, and who is "honey" and why does mommy call Popi, "Daddy"? (Confused yet- they are.)
It is becoming common practice to go through the family while at the table for a meal. Addy starts it off this time, "Mommy what the letter of your name are?" I reply.
Amara, "Sage is my uncle and your brother."
I correct "He is daddy's brother, I only have a sister, Aunt Annie is my sister."
"Caleb is your daddy?" they ask.
" No Uncle Caleb is Jaels daddy and Annie's husband?"
"Oh.. ok" and they continue eating. Soon Amara looks up to her daddy and asks as sincerely as possible and with a little pride because she knows she has this one right, "Daddy, is Mommy your life?" Meaning to say wife of course.
And yes he did say what any great husband, not just the ones in those mushy totally unrealistic chick movies, should say. "Yes, honey Mommy is my life, and my wife."
I'm so blessed! Its nice to be reminded that at the end of the day that had been filled with dirty diapers, cleaning, wiping noses, folding clothes, and playing on the floor you are appreciated and are someones "life". Of course with 4 kids 4 and under I guess I could say that there are 5 people who would agree with that statement. ;) I do give my life for them everyday, how richly blessed am I to hold such a position! I have the best job ever- I'll take this to the bank and cash it!!

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